Once registered, you will have access to your profile at any time, simply by logging in. This profile will allow you to update your personal details, book interviews and manage your data preferences. You will also be able to apply for different jobs, whilst also signing up for Job Alerts.
To get started, you can log in from the registration page, or using the log in button on the menu.
Hint - You need to register before you can log in, so make sure you have registered for an account first! If you don't know your password, you can learn how to reset it using forgotten password here.
Navigating your Profile
Once logged in, you can use the dashboard widgets to access the following:
- Saved Jobs - This is where you can find any roles that you have 'liked', but not yet applied for.
- My Applications - Here you can find all of the roles you have completed an application for, allowing you to view the submitted application form and withdraw any that you no longer wish to be considered for. For more more information on how to withdraw applications, please see here.
- Interviews - If you have been invited to interview, you can find the details here as well as book any available slots.
- Timesheets - Once placed, if you are required to submit timesheets, you can do so here.
- Job Alerts - Here you can sign up for job alerts, manage your preferences and chose to turn them off if required. For more information on Managing Job Alerts, please see here.
- Data Privacy - This is where you can chose to withdraw your data if available, as well as manage any other preferences. For more information about withdrawing data, please see here.
About Me, My CVs & My Files
As well as tracking your applications and interviews, you can also update your data within your profile. Within About Me, you can provide additional personal information, manage your preferences and provide further details in terms of your employment & education history. Meanwhile, My CV and My Files will allow you to review the CV and any supporting documents you have already provided.